Teatr Muzyczny Capitol

And the ship sails on

Author of the poster: Mariusz Napierała

The opening night: 7 October 2023 on the Big Stage
Estimated duration: 3 h with one intermission
We display English surtitles on:
26, 27, 28, 29 October,
23, 24, 25, 26 November,
15, 16 December.

recommended for the audience 16+
strobe / pyrotechnic effects / smoke / cigarette smoke

When in 1914 the ship with distinguished guests leaves the port in Naples, no one expects the impending catastrophe. The cruise is attended by people, who want to fulfill the last wish of the deceased opera singer, Edmea Tetua and say goodbye to her during the sea expedition, crowned with the spreading of ashes. The mourning journey in a circle of the upper crust, seems to be a bittersweet cluster of vanity and luxury, jealousy and buffoonery. It is the Federico Fellini’s move, the master of playing with image and word, who in the film “And the ship sails on”, invites to the kingdom of exuberant personalities. Enamored with opera, sophisticated food and beautiful costumes, passengers boarding the luxurious transatlantic ship, don’t sense that the decline of the world they got used to, has just begun.

Federico Fellini’s film “And the ship sails on” was made in 1983, now the director Wojciech Kościelniak transfers the image of the Italian master into the framework of musical and opera art. Both, in the case of the Italian and Polish artist, the maritime background is complemented by scenography and costumes referring to 1914. The retail splendor seems to represent the unsinkable status quo of a spoiled aristocracy, taking advantage of the immunity of power unrestrainedly. The elite expedition is unexpectedly disrupted by the news, that there are Serbian refugees on the board. In Sarajevo, archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, has just been murdered. While the passengers of a luxurious ship enjoy the comforts of social status, the world in which they acquired these privileges, is irreversibly ending. There is no emergency exit from both, the devastating World War One and the ship, richly filled with relics of a disappearing reality.

Unexpectedly, there is a change of epochs, accompanied by a degradation of the achievements of generations. Distressing news, however, seems distant for the passengers of the ocean expedition, busy with their affairs that are happening in their microworld. The breath of love and little romance can be sensed as well as a competition for the title of the best opera voice, lost identities, great longing. The deck of the ship is a floating dance floor for a ball of expressive personalities, on which everyone, secretly or on the contrary, would like to lead. Everything is observed by the ghost of Edmea Tetua, listening to conversations about herself, which are full of discrepancies in the assessment of her person. Did Edmea Tetua shape her identity and legend on the opinions of others? Or maybe the bold statements of her admirers say more about themselves than about an outstanding singer?

The musical “And the ship sails on” directed by Wojciech Kościelniak, was created on the basis of the script co-written by Federico Fellini and Tonino Guerra. The music for the performance was composed by Mariusz Obijalski, the choreography was created by Mateusz Pietrzak, and the stage design by Mariusz Napierała. The costumes were designed by Martyna Kander, and the lighting was directed by Tadeusz Trylski. The musical direction has been taken over by Adam Skrzypek.


The license for the adaptation of the film script “E la nave va” written by Federico Fellini and Tonino Guerra was granted by the ZAiKS Author’s Association.


The original script of the film E LA NAVE VA: Federico Fellini and Tonino Guerra
Directed and adapted by: Wojciech Kościelniak
Lyrics: Wojciech Kościelniak
Music: Mariusz Obijalski
Set design and props: Mariusz Napierała
Costumes: Martyna Kander
Choreography: Mateusz Pietrzak
Music direction: Adam Skrzypek
Make-up and wigs: Magdalena Chabrowska-Oleksiak, Agnieszka Jasiniecka, Zuzanna Sak
Light design: Tadeusz Trylski
Sound design: Sara Agacińska
Visuals: Veranika Siamionava, Zachariasz Jędrzejczyk
Assistants to the Director: Katarzyna Witkowska, Michał Jagodziński
Assistant to Costume Designer and Set Designer: Aleksandra Grzelaczyk
Assistant to the Light Designer: Jakub Frączek
Stage Managers: Wojciech Kupczyński, Małgorzata Szeptycka, Hubert Michalak
Vocal preparation: Magdalena Śniadecka, Ewa Głowacka-Fierek, Magdalena Zawartko

English translation (displayed surtitles): Joanna Kiszkis


Edmea Tetua: Magdalena Szczerbowska
Teresa Valegnani: Justyna Szafran / Elżbieta Kłosińska
Ildebranda Cuffari: Justyna Woźniak
Monica: Klaudia Waszak
Lady Violet Dongby: Małgorzata Walenda / Katarzyna Granecka
Dorotea: Ewa Szlempo-Kruszyńska
Princess Hermine: Agnieszka Oryńska-Lesicka
Aureliano Fuciletto/Egyptian: Tomasz Leszczyński
Sir Reginald Dongby: Krzysztof Suszek
Ricotin: Jan Kowalewski
The Great Prince Harzock: Filip Karać (guest)
Conte di Bassano: Mateusz Kieraś
Captain Roberto De Leonardis: Michał J. Bajor
The Count von Huppenback: Karol Gronek
Kunz/Chief of police: Bartosz Picher
Keeper / Medium: Rafał Kozok
Sabatino Lepori: Michał Dudkowski (guest)
Zilojew: Dawid Suliba
Orlando: Marek Nędza (guest)

Bożena Bukowska
Mateusz Brenner
Dominika Józefowiak
Martyna Rak
Nadia Rosiak
Jacek Skoczeń
Tomasz Ryś
Dariusz Kowalewski

Conductor: Adam Skrzypek
Keyboards: Łukasz Bzowski
Percussion: Sebastian Skrzypek
Guitar: Bogdan Skiedrzyński
I violin: Beata Wołczyk
Alto: Dariusz Wołczyk
Cello: Emilia Danilecka
Flugh: Dominik Gawroński
Horn: Mateusz Feliński
Saxophone: Robert Kamalski

Students of the Capitol Musical School:
Daria Englot / Dominika Siwiec
Milena Libura / Patrycja Spendowska
Wiktoria Łukowicz / Marika Klarman / Milena Morawiec
Anna Cielecka / Natalia Minkina
Maja Frejtag / Barbara Ubysz
Zofia Banasik / Natalia Banaś
Helena Kosecka / Jagoda Latuszkiewicz
Magdalena Gurzyńska / Majka Bakalarz
Krzysztof Gogoj / Artur Leżoń
Szymon Majkrzak / Julia Wrona




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