Teatr Muzyczny Capitol
Ciemny kadr, oświetlony płomieniem świecy. W jej świetle widoczne są dwie postaci. Z lewej stoi Małgorzata, z rozpuszczonymi włosami, w cielistym stroju, patrzy w stronę świecy trzymanej w prawej dłoni przez Korowiowa. Mężczyzna ubrany jest w ciemny frak, ma białą koszulę i muszkę, nosi okulary z okrągłą oprawką szkieł.

The Master and Margarita

The opening night: 28 September 2013 on the Big Stage, for the opening of the theatre after reconstruction
Duration: 3 h 20 min with one intermission

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For audience 16+

Cigarette smoke

This performance is a masterpiece!
Gazeta Wyborcza Wrocław

A musical performance at the highest level.

MASTER: I hate that novel.
WOLAND: It still has some surprises for you.

At the beginning of Bulgakov’s novel the reader is given a key. This key is the quote from Goethe’s ‘Faust’, the question to Mephisto and his answer: – Who are you, after all? – I’m a part of that force that always craves evil and always creates good.

In a Moscow park, two local writers meet a foreigner who turns out to be Satan himself. For his interlocutors, this brief acquaintance will be quite an unreal and painful experience. Soon, thanks to the envoys from hell, “everything is in confusion” in tired, dull communist Moscow. Sometimes the devil arriving on earth appears to be the only righteous one.

Satan in Moscow will hold up a mirror for people, exposing their worst vices but reminding them, too, that there is a force more powerful than evil and hatred – true, faithful, eternal love. The kind of love that makes people capable of sacrifice and gives them courage against all odds. Love that has brought Margaret and the Master together.

For these two, however, the happiest end is death. Not the light, but peace, the same for which all sinners wait. For example – Pontius Pilate, the protagonist of the Master’s fateful novel, tired of his immortality, longing only for a brief talk with the ‘wandering philosopher’ Yeshua Ha-Nocri, whom he once condemned to Golgotha.

A mysterious Woman leeds us on this journey through Soviet Moscow and Jerusalem of two thousand years ago. A narrator, an empathic witness, or perhaps the maker of events? Let her remain a Bulgakov-style enigma, like the city’s imaginary topography, significant names, and intertwining eras.


Based on the novel by Mikhail Bulgakov
Directed, translated and adapted by Wojciech Kościelniak
Lyrics: Rafał Dziwisz
Music and musical direction: Piotr Dziubek
Set design and visuals: Damian Styrna
Costumes: Bożena Ślaga
Choreography: Jarosław Staniek
Light design: Bogumił Palewicz
Vocal preparation: Magdalena Śniadecka
Assistant to the Director: Agnieszka Kozak
Assistant to the Choreographer: Joanna Ziemczyk-Kierzkowska

English translation (displayed surtitles): Joanna Kiszkis



Woman: Justyna Szafran
Woland: Tomasz Wysocki (guest) / Marek Nędza (guest)
Master: Rafał Dziwisz (guest) / Błażej Wójcik
Margarita: Justyna Antoniak / Magdalena Szczerbowska
Ivan Bezdomny: Mariusz Kiljan (guest) / Michał Szymański
Korovyov: Blazej Wojcik / Maciej Maciejewski (guest)
Behemoth: Mikołaj Woubishet (guest star)
Pilate / Doctor Stravinsky: Konrad Imiela
Yeshua: Cezary Studniak (guest) / Krzysztof Suszek
Asasello: Bartosz Picher
Berlioz: Andrzej Gałła (guest)
Hella: Ewelina Adamska-Porczyk (guest) / Katarzyna Granecka (guest)
Natasha: Agnieszka Oryńska-Lesicka
Frieda / Saleswoman: Ewa Szlempo-Kruszyńska
Fokich: Tomasz Leszczyński
Praskovia Fyodorovna: Elżbieta Kłosińska
Nikolai Ivanovich: Michał Szymański
Bengalsky: Adrian Kąca
Abadona: Łukasz Wójcik-Zawierucha
Annushka: Paulina Jeżewska (guest)
Brunette: Katarzyna Pietruska
Jazz-Murzynka: Emose Uhunmwangho
Adelphina: Małgorzata Szeptycka
Baron Meigel: Jan Kowalewski
Aphranius: Filip Zaszewski (guest)
Citizen: Magdalena Szczerbowska / Justyna Antoniak
Foreign Tourism Office Staff: Wojciech Kupczyński

Bożena Bukowska
Maja Lewicka
Monika Kolbusz
Aneta Mazur
Dominika Józefowiak
Barbara Olech
Joanna Ziemczyk-Kierzkowska
Mateusz Brenner
Krzysztof Tyszko
Mateusz Kieraś
Piotr Małecki
Jan Nykiel
Michał Pietrzak
Jacek Skoczeń

Conductor: Piotr Dziubek
Violin: Beata Wołczyk
Accordion, Piano: Jacek Berg
Double Bass: Jakub Olejnik / Grzegorz Piasecki / Adam Skrzypek
Percussion: Michał Polak
Tuba: Piotr Hałaj / Piotr Kosiński
Guitar: Magdalena Czwojda / Maciej Mazurek
Trombones: Krzysztof Chlewicki, Mateusz Mendyka, Adrian Wilga, Marcin Wołowiec
Trumpets: Aleksander Kobus, Marek Kubiszyn, Adam Lepka, Maurycy Wójciński
Oboe: Monika Pietruszewska
Bassoon: Alicja Kieruzalska
Saxophones: Karol Gola, Władysław Kwaśnicki, Szymon Nidzworski, Tomasz Pruchnicki
Clarinets: Marcin Wróbel, Tomasz Żymła




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